Monday, August 21, 2006

Monks Bridge Development - Site of old Doncasters Building

I have today been in contact with the Site Manager, Chris Gallagher of HBG Constructions, of the Monks Bridge development on the site of the old Doncaster’s building across the canal from City Island.

I have received a lot of complaints from you about the level of noise (loud) and the start time of the noise (some of you claimed as early 07:00), and I addressed these concerns with Chris. Chris has only been involved with the site for about a week or so, but has agreed to enforce:

· A start time for noisy activities of 08:00 and no earlier.
· An approximate finish time of 17:00
· No work on a Sunday or bank holidays

Chris also told me that the current phase of the project, ‘remediation’, which is the preparation of the ground for the construction work to start in earnest was potentially the nosiest part of the project as it involved the use of the hydraulic ‘peckers’ to break up large rocks and concrete. This phase of the project is scheduled for a further 9 weeks, although Chris is doing everything he can to make this sooner.

After this remediation phase, construction is due to start around December/January on the first office block of five, which would be the one located closest to City Island on the corner of the site next to the canal, which will take about a year to complete. Completion of the other buildings will take a further 3-4 years.

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