Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gotts Road Resurfacing

Long time since we have emailed, but we just wanted to ask your help with petitioning out MP, Hillary Benn, to do something about the state of Gotts Road. The contractors have now left the site of Waterside apartments, yet they have not resurfaced the road, leaving large holes where their hoardings were erected and subsequently removed from.

The state of the road means it will deteriorate rapidly, and it will not be long before we are dealing with even larger potholes. If they are ever repaired, it will come from our council tax – which hardly seems fair given we know who caused the damage. If you or I were to go out to a road and start causing such damage, we would be arrested and punished.

Why should the builders get away with it?

You can email your MP on over the web, and it only takes a minute:

State the following as those responsible for the development:

Mayfair Developments
3 Elm Grove
M20 6PL
0161 - 448 - 2299

We would really appreciate you taking the time to do this, the more people who contact him the more compelled he will be to take action.
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