Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saving the planet / Parking Available

Saving the Planet
By now, you should have seen that passive infrared lighting has gone in to most of the development that means that our corridor lights only come on when there is movement in the corridor. This will save thousands of pounds a year. However, I noticed the other day that although our corridors are serviced in this way, the stairwells, which are largely unused most of the time, are constantly lit.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is it a health and safety issue that they need to remain lit? If not, should we be investigating in a year or so time, having passive infrared lighting installed in the stairwells also? Please let me know your thoughts. We will bring this up at the next meeting for discussion too.

Another Parking Space Available
£22.00 per week. Discount if paid 6 months in advance.

Send an email if you are interested, and I will put you in touch with the owner.
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